Guru Tegh Bahadur was the ninth Guru of the Sikhs.He is accredited with composing various hymns which also include ‘Saloks’ or couplets at the end of ‘Guru Granth Sahib’.

Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji Quotes

Give up your head, but forsake not those whom you have undertaken to protect. Sacrifice your life, but relinquish not your faith.

Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji sayings

If the hands, feet, or body are covered with dust, they are cleansed by washing them with water. if clothes are made unclean, by use of soap they are washed of impurity. If the buddhi (intellect) is defined by sin, love of the Name will purify it.

True Realisation of the actual nature of this material world, its perishable, transitory and illusory aspects best dawns on a person in suffering

Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji sayings

For whom praise and dispraise are the same, and on whom greed and attachment have no effect. Consider him only enlightened whom pain and pleasure do not entrap. Consider such a person saved.

Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji sayings

“O mother, I have been blessed with the wealth of God’s Name. My Mind is free from wandering and is established in peace. Avarice and worldly love dare not touch me and pure divine knowledge fills me. Greed and desire can not affect me. I am totally immersed in Lord’s devotion.”

Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji Sayings

One who vanquishes his ego and beholds the Lord as the Sole Doer of all things, that person has attained ‘Jiwan Mukti’ (is liberated while living), know this as the real truth, says Nanak.”

Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji quotes

True Realisation of the actual nature of this material world, its perishable, transitory and illusory aspects best dawns on a person in suffering.”

Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji quotes

“By singing His praises thy impurity will be removed and the poison of egoism spread all over will be destroyed.”

Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji quotes

“The person who has given up his egoism by recognizing God as the creator shall get deliverance; be sure of this truth, O my mind.”

Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji quotes

“Who in pain is not affected by it, Who has no attachment to pleasure and is fearless, and who thinks of gold as a clod of earth. Neither does he indulge in praise nor slandering at others. And has no greed, delusion of pride in him. He remains aloof from happiness and sorrow and cares not for honour or dishonour. He gives up all hope and desire and has no desire. His lust and wrath do not touch. In the heart of such a man does Brahmin abide. A man who the Master favours follows this way of life and he is absorbed in the Lord, just as water merges into water.

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By Sadaf

Sadaf is a Social Media Blogger. She writes about inspirational and educative quotes.

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