World Population Day is celebrated globally every year on the 11th of July, which seeks to raise awareness of global population issues. The Day was first marked on 11 July 1990 in more than 90 countries.
The event was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989. It was inspired by the public interest in Five Billion Day on July 11, 1987, the approximate date on which the world’s population reached five billion people.

Themes for World Population Day
Year | Theme |
1996 | “AIDS and Health Reproduction.” |
1997 | “Health Care Reproductive for the Youngsters.” |
1998 | Six Billion to Approach.” |
1999 | “Count the Population up to the 6 Billion.” |
2000 | “Protecting Women’s Lives.” |
2001 | “Environment, Development as well as Population.” |
2002 | “Development, Population as well as Poverty.” |
2003 | “1 Arab Youngster.” |
2004 | “10 of the ICPD.” |
2005 | “Empowering of the Equality.” |
2006 | “Becoming Young is Difficult.” |
2007 | “Work by the Men.” |
2008 | “Plan the Family and Plan Future.” |
2009 | “Educate the Girls: Fight the Poverty in every Country.” |
2010 | “Tell what you require: Get Calculated.” |
2011 | “Actions of the 7 Billion”. |
2012 | “Reproductive Services of the Health for the Universal Access.” |
2013 | “Concentration is a young pregnancy.” |
2014 | There is a time to reflect as per the population problems and in young people to get invested in.” |
2015 | “Population is dangerous in Emergencies.” |
2016 | |
2017 | |
2018 | Family planning is a human right.” |
2019 | |
2020 |
Quotes & Messages on World Population Day
World Population Day is celebrated by organizing a variety of activities and events to draw the attention of people to work together on the issues of the growing population. Check out below some beautiful images, wishes, blessings, slogans, pictures, and quotes that can be used to share with friends and family members on Facebook, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Twitter and etc.
It is our duty to save the planet. Manage the global population and help the planet to grow and be safe and healthy. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.
Empower people, develop nations. Control population and celebrate this World Population Day.

Take a stand, raise awareness. Help, since we are nearly running out of space. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.
Overpopulation is the definition of being forced by others or focusing on others to live with people they don’t want. Control global population and celebrate this World Population Day.
If you fill the bowl too much, it might crack and break. Save the planet before it overfills by controlling the population. Best wishes on this World Population Day.
Raise awareness about the need to decrease the global population on this day. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.
Don't miss to read-World Nature Conservation Day
World Population Day Messages
The projected world population on Jan. 1, 2022, is 7,868,872,451, an increase of 74,235,487, or 0.95%, from New Year’s Day 2021. In January 2022, 4.3 births and 2.0 deaths are expected worldwide every second
Shared below is the collection of World Population Day Wishes Messages and inspiring World Population Day WhatsApp status. Share all theses messages on social media platform to raise awareness about expanding population.
World is like a big family and the onus of saving it from growing population lies on each one of us….. On the occasion of World Population Day, let us come together and fight against one of the biggest causes affecting us.
Times are gone when we could relax and take it easy…. It is time to act and act strongly to control the growth of the population to help our coming generations.
It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to work towards controlling the population to make the world a better place to live for our children and our grandchildren.
Closing our eyes towards the problem of the population will not eradicate it…. It is time and we must act now to secure our present and our future.
On the occasion of World Population Day, let us make a promise to ourselves to be more responsible towards the increasing population.
We have been gifted with a beautiful world and the onus to protect it and pass it on to the coming generations lies on our shoulders…. So let us control the rising population to make it a better place to live
Rapid population growth is a sign of our ignorance and carelessness towards our coming generations. Let us be more responsible on the occasion of Population Day.
Let us celebrate World Population Day by promising ourselves to be more responsible towards the alarming rate of the growing population. Let us work to make this planet a better place.
If check on population is missing, it becomes an alarming situation as then it begins to grow with geometric progression. On this Population Day 2021, let us aim to be more aware.
On World Population Day, we all must focus on striking a balance between the population and resources in order to establish harmony and peace in the world.
Today, on the occasion of World Population Day, we must understand the need of stabilizing the population in order to live a healthy and harmonious life with lesser problems and more peace.
Also Check-Save Earth day Quotes
World Population Day Slogans
Check out below some world population day slogans, wishes, blessings, slogans, pictures, and quotes that can be used to share with friends and family members on Facebook, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Twitter and etc.
“Take part in World Population Day campaign to save Earth from becoming overcrowded.”
“Control overpopulation to have space and resources for one and all.”
“Adopting a child is much better idea than giving a birth to a child.”
“Enjoy the future tomorrow by controlling the population today.”
“Celebrate World Population Day by working hard to create enough space to live on the planet.”aaa
“Save planet Earth by controlling over population.”

“Over Population leads to overexploitation.”
“Control the population to maintain a happy life.”
Let’s join our hands to create a sustainable future.
Plan your family and protect the planet
Reduce the crowd on Earth for a better future
Focus on the population to fight poverty and illiteracy
Increasing population is toxic to the Earth’s environment
Join the campaign to change population trends
Join the campaign to have enough space to live on the Earth
Keep a small family to have a big happy life
Lower down the burden of the Earth by controlling the population
Our Earth is in danger of overpopulation, control the population and save the Earth
Overpopulation is an overload on the planet, let’s pledge to reduce the load
Overpopulation gives rise to poverty, illiteracy, and lots of social issues
Overpopulation is the reason for less space and less food
Reduce the population and empower women
Save the Earth from overexploitation caused by overpopulation
Save the Earth from population explosion.
A small family is a sweet family but a big family is a crowd
Start family planning for a happy future
Take the pledge to control the population
There are many responsibilities we need to do other than increasing the population
Two people make a company but three people a crowd
Use family planning tips and measures to have a small family
Population Day Wishes & Status
We need to continue to decrease the growth rate of the Global Population. The Plant can not support many more people.
Control overpopulation to remain away from starvation. World Population Day!.
By improving health, empowering women, population growth comes down.
Times are gone when we could relax and take it easy. It is time to act and act strongly to control the growth of the population to help our coming generations.
Let us pledge to effectively control population explosion through family planning for a better future.
We all worry about the Population Explosion. But we don’t worry about it at the right time
Earth is the only known planet to live, let it be spacious.
Just worrying about the population explosion is not going to change anything, raising awareness and taking a stand might.
Do your part in controlling the population and celebrate this World Population Day.
On this day we must pledge to control our population to ensure the survival of the environment instead of controlling the environment for the benefit of the population. Best wishes in this World Population Day.
On this occasion of World Population Day make a plan. Plan your future, plan your family. Best wishes on this World Population Day.
We need to decrease the growth rate of our global population, our mother earth can’t support anymore. Best wishes on this World Population Day.
Empower people, develop nations. Control population and celebrate this World Population Day.
Take care of the children that we already have instead of increasing the population. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.
When the family is small whatever little they have they are able to share, there are peace and love. Don’t overpopulate. Best wishes on this World Population Day.
On this occasion of World Population Day instead of controlling the growth of every other species let us pledge to control the growth of our own. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.
Take a stand, raise awareness. Help, since we are nearly running out of space. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.
It is very easy to add on the numbers but the hard task is to maintain it all. Take a stand and stop the overpopulation of the earth. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.
Our mother earth can’t feed so many people. Control the global population for our nature’s sake and celebrate this World Population Day. Best wishes on this World Population Day.
Too many humans are a risk to humanity. Save our planet and ensure humanity by working towards controlling the population on this day. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.
Be responsible, save our nature. Control population growth and ensure a healthy planet. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.
We have more than three billion people, and half of them are starving today because of overpopulation. So take a step and control it on this day. Best wishes on this World Population Day.
Raise awareness about the need to decrease the global population on this day. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.
A peaceful world cannot exist when only one-third are rich and two-thirds go hungry. So, control the population and stop overcrowding. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.
Stabilize the population and take steps towards creating sustainable earth on this day. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.
Overpopulation is the definition of being forced by others or focusing on others to live with people they don’t want. Control the global population and celebrate this World Population Day.
It is better to manage the global population growth responsibility before nature takes it upon itself to control it. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.
Growth is not the growth that we want if it destroys the planet. Control the growth of the population and save our mother earth. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.
“Every state has the primary duty to protect its own population from grave and sustained violations of human rights, as well as from the consequences of humanitarian crises, whether natural or man-made”. – Pope Benedict“
Almost half of the population of the world lives in rural regions and mostly in a state of poverty. Such inequalities in human development have been one of the primary reasons for unrest and, in some parts of the world, even violence”. – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
“As a woman leader, I thought I brought a different kind of leadership. I was interested in women’s issues, in bringing down the population growth rate… as a woman, I entered politics with an additional dimension – that of a mother”. – Benazir Bhutto
“Close to a billion people – one-eighth of the world’s population – still live in hunger. Each year 2 million children die through malnutrition. This is happening at a time when doctors in Britain are warning of the spread of obesity. We are eating too much while others starve”. – Jonathan Sacks
“Rapid population growth and technological innovation, combined with our lack of understanding about how the natural systems of which we are a part work, have created a mess”. – David Suzuki
“Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio”. – Thomas Malthus
“In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 per day”. – Jacques Yves Cousteau
“Yet food is something that is taken for granted by most world leaders despite the fact that more than half of the population of the world is hungry”. – Norman Borlaug
“A finite world can support only a finite population; therefore, population growth must eventually equal zero”. – Garrett Hardin
“The combination of population growth and the growth in consumption is a danger that we are not prepared for and something we will need global co-operation on”. – Maurice Strong
The objectives of celebrating World Population Day:
- World Population Day is celebrated to protect and empower youths of both genders like girls and boys
- To offer them detailed knowledge about sexuality and delay marriages till they become able to understand their responsibilities
- Educate youths to avoid unwanted pregnancies by using reasonable and youth-friendly measures
- Educate people to remove the gender stereotypes from society
- Educate them about pregnancy-related illnesses to raise public awareness about the dangers of early childbirth
- Educate them about STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) to get prevented various infections
- Demand for some effective laws and policies implementation in order to protect girl child rights
- Make sure about the access to equal primary education for both girls and boys
World Population Day Images

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1804 First Billion The world population reaches 1 billion people.
1927 Second Billion The world population doubles to 2 billion.
1960 Third Billion The world population reaches 3 billion.
2000 Sixth Billion Just 40 years after it reached 3 billion, the population doubled to 6 billion.
April 24, 2017, 7.5 Billion On this day, statistical models estimate that the world population is at 7.5 billion.