World Elephant Day is observed on 12th August every year worldwide to create awareness regarding the preservation and protection of the world’s elephants. This day important events are organized mainly to highlights issues such as improving the enforcement policies to prevent illegal trading of ivory, conserving the elephant habitats, and better protection for wild elephants.
World Elephant Day was first conceived by two Canadian filmmakers Patricia Sims and Michael Clark in the year 2011 while the event was first internationally observed on August 12, 2012.
World Elephant Day Messages
Here we have shared these World Elephant Day Quotes, Sayings, Wishes, Greetings, Images, Pictures & Poster with you so that you can share the awareness on your social media profiles like Instagram, Facebook & Twitter.
The time has come to show some humanity towards the issue of saving elephants. May you be of help to the cause on World Elephant Day.
They are big, they are beautiful but they are also very valuable so on the eve of World Elephant Day, I urge everyone to raise awareness regarding endangered elephants.
Don’t you want your kids to see these huge, intelligent, and family-oriented animals? So stop wasting time and donate to the cause on World Elephant Day.
May you have a memory like elephants as they can remember every atrocity brought upon them by humans. I hope you can help the cause from this World Elephants Day.
Elephants are more like humans, not physically but emotionally. Let us all take care of these enormous yet emotional creatures on this World Elephant Day.
As humans let’s not try to be the reason for the upcoming extinction of Elephants. Wish you a thinking day of World Elephant Day.
We have to pay the price for the abomination of elephants over the years and you know why. Wish you a guilt-free World Elephant Day.
We can’t have memories like elephants but we can leave a huge impression like them by undoing the monstrosity. May you have a rewarding World Elephants Day.
On the eve of World Elephant Day, let us all try to be faithful as elephants towards our responsibility to save these endangered species.
Elephants have a secret grave in Africa where they would go and lie down to unburden their wrinkly gray bodies and somehow we are the reason for it.
World Elephant Day Quotes & Sayings
Elephants, it turns out, are surprisingly stealthy. – Thomas French
Nature’s a great masterpiece, an elephant; the only harmless great thing. – John Donne
If anyone wants to know what elephants are like, they are like people only more so. – Peter Corneille
Elephants ears are full of blood vessels and help cool the blood as it travels through the extensive vein network that runs close to the surface. – Jeff Henschel
Elephants can sense danger. They’re able to detect an approaching tsunami or earthquake before it hits. – Jennifer Richard Jacobson
The elephant has just one basic gait: an ambling walk; elephants cannot run or jump like other animals. – Richard D. Estes
The elephant can survive only if forests survive. – Mark Shand

Love will draw an elephant through a keyhole. – Samuel Richardson
The elephant, the huge old beast, is slow to mate. – David Herbert Lawrence
A blind elephant does not know a man from a tree. – Oyekan Owomoyela
The elephant needs a thousand times more food than the ant but that is not an indication of inequality. – Mahatma Gandhi
An Elephant can trumpet and shake the earth but not the self-possession of the ants who hold it. – Alistair Cooke
Of all footprints, that of the elephant is supreme. Similarly, of all mindfulness meditations, that on death is supreme. – Gautama Buddha
An elephant: A mouse built to government specifications. – Lazarus Long
He who mounts a wild elephant goes where the elephant goes. – Randolph Bourne
Elephants, it turns out, are surprisingly stealthy. – Thomas French
Elephants have the largest brains of any mammal on the face of the Earth. They are creative, altruistic, and kind. – Ingrid Newkirk
Awake. Be the witness of your thoughts. The elephant hauls himself from the mud. In the same way, drag yourself out of your sloth. – Lord Buddha
There are 13 Asian countries that still have elephants, and Elephant Family is looking to invest in further projects that will be the most critical for saving elephants while there is still time. – Mark Shand
Our elders say that an elephant does not find its own trunk heavy. – Zakes Mda
So slowly the hot elephant hearts grow full of desire, and the great beasts mate in secret at last, hiding their fire. – David Herbert Lawrence
World Elephant Day Wishes & Greetings
God has created a special creature called Elephants. So on the eve of World Elephant Day as a devotee, it is our duty to save them from extinction. – Happy World Elephant Day!
Elephants challenge credulity and common sense so even if they don’t exist you couldn’t invent one and we all should fight for their existence on World Elephant Day. – Happy World Elephant Day!
Elephants have a secret grave in Africa where they would go and lie down to unburden their wrinkly gray bodies and somehow we are the reason for it. – Happy World Elephant Day!
They are big, they are beautiful but they are also very valuable so on the eve of World Elephant Day, I urge everyone to raise awareness regarding endangered elephants. – Happy World Elephant Day!
The way we have treated elephants over the years is nothing short of our very worst human behavior. Let’s try to undo that on World Elephant Day.

We have to stop commercializing the ivory that comes from the tusk and teeth of elephants so as to save the nature’s great masterpiece, Wish you a great World Elephant Day!
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